Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Because when words fail, music speaks

At times, words fail to explain what we want to say - to ourselves as and to others.  At those times, it's music that speaks, loud and clear.
My emotions and thoughts are trapped in a whirlpool at the moment. So there are a few songs, and not just one, that might explain what enigma my mind is facing.
At different time of day, these songs make me play them again and again on my player.
So here goes -

In the morning, when ii travel .. these are the songs ii end up listening to again and again.

I Got You (by) Leona Lewis

Say Goodbye (by) Chris Brown

You Don't Love Me (by) Rihanna

And when my mood swing, by the time it's noon  -

What The Hell (by) Avril Lavigne

Right There (by) Nicole Scherzinger

What's My Name (by) Rihanna

Then in the evening, this takes place - 

Space Bound (by) Eminem

Need You Now (by) Lady Antebellum

Ride It (by) Jay Sean

So these are the songs ii end up listening to often these days. Confused much :/

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